Radiology Associates of Brooklyn

Patients choose Radiology Associates of Brooklyn because we offer compassionate care and convenience. Physicians refer their patients to Radiology Associates of Brooklyn because we offer exceptional quality in clinical services, images and diagnoses which are critical to determining your care and treatment.

Radiology Associates of Brooklyn providing service for patients from Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, Long Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and all other states.

Board certified physicians and staff of Radiology Associates of Brooklyn imaging offices are dedicated to provide the highest quality radiology imaging services to the community, and offer our patients the best quality of care. Radiology Associates of Brooklyn providing appropriate, high quality, cost effective radiology diagnostic imaging services which meet the needs and expectations of our patients and referring physicians. We do this by developing and maintaining current proven technology, hiring committed qualified staff, and working in a collaborative environment.

Radiology Associates of Brooklyn uses the most advanced radiology technology and equipment available today. Radiology Associates offers imaging services in MRI / MRA, PET / CT, computed tomography, sonography / ultrasound, digital mammography, digital x-ray, digital flouroscopy, hysterosalpingogram, bone densitometry, nuclear medicine. We are experts in imaging technology; thus we use only advanced imaging equipment, aiding our team in providing you and your doctor with the best possible results. Our goal is to provide the finest in imaging services; the right procedure, at the right time, for each individual patient.

We serve our patients with rapid final reports automatically faxed to the doctor’s offices in less than 24 hours, with immediate verbal reports when requested by the physician. Our professional office staff speak English, Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish, Spanish, Mandarin languages.



Chat with us live M-F, 9am-5pm OR Submit an appointment request to receive a call back


    2021 Avenue X
    Brooklyn, NY 11235
    Tel: 718.332.6800
    Fax: 718.332.4209


    762 Bedford Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11205
    Tel: 718.947.2570
    Fax: 718.947.2571


    1423 57th Street
    Brooklyn, NY 11219
    Tel: 718.436.7337
    Fax: 718.436.7713